The Law Students' Association of Sri Lanka (LSASL) is a body representing all law students in Sri Lanka. It was established in 2009 by the patronage of Dr. C.J. Weeramanthree J. We are also the Sri Lankan chapter of the Asian Law Students' Association (ALSA-Sri Lanka) resulted from an affiliation. Simultaneously, we are the official representatives of the European Law Students Association (ELSA) and the Australian Law Students Association (ALSA). We are a company guaranteed, registered at the Department of Company Registration of Sri Lanka and holds the registration no: GA 3027.
At the apex of the LSASL is the National Council composed of Twelve (12) law students elected as Councillors during the Annual General Meeting. Beneath this structure are the Local Chapters of ALSA- Sri Lanka, term which refers to the law schools recognized by the Incorporated Council of Legal Education of Sri Lanka and have entered into affiliation with LSASL. In each of these established Local Chapters are a six (6) member panel of office bearers.
LSASL commits itself to the ideals of legal scholarship and social responsibility, recognizing the duty to promote the development of a popular, accessible and mass-oriented Sri Lankan legal system, and desires to bring law students together for the achievement of these goals.
- contributes to the improvement of legal education in Sri Lanka by providing venues for academic cooperation and coordination among law students in the country.
- promote a continuing program of legal research in substantive and adjective law. instill a sense of awareness and public responsibility among its members particularly in advocacy of social justice.
- cultivate a spirit of cordiality, understanding, goodwill and cooperation and camaraderie among its local and affiliated members and contribute to their intellectual, social, physical and moral development.