Established Boutique Law Firm Providing Excellent Service in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law
I am a certified specialist in estate planning, trust and probate law. I use my unique abilities to help clients create typically trust based estate plans. We have a very straightforward process and we help people complete their estate plans in a timely and thorough manner.
I meet with clients and help them with the various processes that are involved after a person dies - whether that is full blown probate, a simplified court process, small estate affidavits or trust administration if the decedent had a trust based estate plan.
When an adult looses capacity I help their family with Conservatorship if they did not do any proactive planning. If they had a trust based estate plan, then I can assist their successor take on that role and help them during their lifetime.
Our goal in helping clients is to always communicate in plain terms and assist them in the most straightforward way possible.