Lanka Sugar Company Private Limited is a fully government owned company under the Treasury of Sri Lanka. It is managed by the Ministry of Plantation Industries. The main focus of this Company is to be self – sufficient in sugar thereby saving a colossal amount of foreign exchange spent to import sugar to Sri Lanka. Further LSCL – Pelwatte and Sevanagala and Kanthale will be re-developed, managed and further developing Sugarcane Industry in other Agro – economic zones in Sri Lanka. To achieve this objective the Government of Sri Lanka has demarcated 130,000Ha of lands mainly in the Dry and arid zones of Sri Lanka where irrigation facilities are available.
Developing the Sugarcane Industry will help rural farmers to uplift their socio – economic standards and development in this sector will generate employment opportunities in various supporting industries and associated Industries, service providers also will be benefited from the development of the Sugarcane Industry.
LSCL is also seeking investments in this sector to develop sugarcane and sugar mills in the North, East, North Central and Uva provinces of Sri Lanka.