Langer Research Associates provides survey research design, management, analysis and consulting services for media, foundation, business, government, NGO and legal clients. We direct news polling for the ABC News television network, produce the weekly Consumer Comfort Index for Bloomberg L.P. and create in-depth national and international surveys on policy, social, economic and political attitudes.
Our work, chiefly focused on high-quality probability-based quantitative surveys, is independent, nonpartisan and rigorous. Beyond policy, political and economic surveys our specialties include health care research; litigation research and consulting; and conflict-zone research in locales such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Yemen.
In addition to ABC News and Bloomberg, recent clients include Blue Shield of California Foundation, The Washington Post, The Center for the Next Generation, the BBC, ARD German Television, Yahoo! News, and with D3 Systems of Vienna, Va., the United Nations Development Programme, the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Counterpart International.
Langer Research was founded by Gary Langer, former director of polling for ABC News. Staff includes Research Analysts Julie E. Phelan, Ph.D., and Gregory Holyk, Ph.D. Senior advisers include Prof. Jon Krosnick of Stanford University, Prof. Robert Y. Shapiro of Columbia University and Patrick Moynihan, assistant director of the Survey Research Program at Harvard University.
HQ Location
7 W. 66th St., 7th Fl.
New York, New York 10023, US
Probability-based quantitative surveysHigh-quality survey researchIndependent and nonpartisan researchPolicy surveysPolitical surveysEconomic surveysHealth care researchLitigation researchConflict-zone researchSurvey designSurvey managementSurvey analysis
Survey research designSurvey managementSurvey analysisConsulting servicesNews pollingConsumer Comfort IndexNational and international surveysHealth care researchLitigation researchConflict-zone research
Public opinion research