Claripharm™ Laboratory has developed an innovative range of products for the care and protection of intimate wounds and sutures.
Claripharm™ created Claricare ™ : the first flexible shell for protection of intimate wounds & stitches after a perineal tear or an episiotomy, vulvar and anal galling or condyloma, bartholinitis, labiaplasty, vaginal prolapse, coccyx dislocation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, intimate cosmetic surgery ... Claricare ™ is a patented medical device, CE marked and manufactured in France .
Giving birth to a child is one of the most intense and most beautiful point of a woman’s life. At the birth of her daughter Gilda , Clarisse Le Court , founder of Claripharm ™ , felt that indescribable happiness and discovered at the same time, like thousands of other women, intimate discomfort and pain postpartum . She noticed that nothing or little, was available to relieve the pain.
How to provide intimate comfort to women after childbirth ? How to improve their well-being? To all these questions, Clarisse Le Court wanted to bring innovative and effective solutions.
After having been Key Accounts Director of a large company specialized in medical devices , she created the Claripharm ™ brand with the desire to develop a range of products for intimate comfort post- childbirth ( episiotomy, perineal tear) but also suitable for any intimate surgery: gynecological, proctology ( hemorrhoids) or intimate cosmetic surgery ( labiaplasty , nymphoplasty ) .
She designed a new product with a group of surgeons : Claricare™, first flexible shell for intimate comfort and protection suitable to all women's body types.
With Claricare™, women can live again : sit , breastfeed and move without pain .
This extraordinary innovation is complemented by a wide range of products for intimate comfort and care : Clarigyna™ , Claristick™ , Claricup™ .
Claripharm™ products are manufactured in France.
Medical Equipment Manufacturing, Produits biologiques pour les soins du corps, Produits biologiques, Agroalimentaire, Personal care products and cosmetics, organic, Organic products, Agriculture & Food, Skin and body care products, organic, Personal hygiene products, for women, Hygiene and cleaning
HQ Location
9, rue des Croix Roses
Saint-Alban, 22400, FR
Protection des plaies et des sutures aux parties intimesDispositifs médicaux marqué CEDéchirure du périnémedical devicewomen healthcaremenstrual cupcoupe menstruelledispositif médicaland helthcare innovationispositif médical