The Labor Network for Sustainability (LNS) engages workers and communities in building a transition to a society that is ecologically sustainable and economically just. We work to foster deep relationships that help the labor movement engage in the climate movement and the climate movement understand the economics of climate change and the importance of organized labor as a key partner in confronting the climate crisis.
We work with trade unions, worker centers and labor support organizations to advance a climate action program that will help the labor movement be a leading force for a just transition to a climate safe and equitable economy. This includes building a network of leaders and rank and file activists in the labor movement to confront climate change called the Labor Convergence on Climate.
We also work with climate and climate justice leaders to develop approaches to more effectively build partnerships with the labor movement, to understand the central importance of work in peoples’ lives and assure that good jobs are an essential element of a just transition. We encourage these organizations to integrate workers’ rights policies in their agendas.
LNS serves also as a primary resource on just transition within the climate and labor movements. We identify and analyze policies related to just transition, develop principles that advance the rights of workers and communities who will be impacted in the transition to a climate safe economy, and we share information about just transition victories and effective strategies.