La French Tech Strasbourg, former "Strasbourg Startups", is a community initiative launched by Alsace Digitale in 2013 to gather and foster the emerging startup scene of Strasbourg, France. Our goal is to build an entrepreneurial community. We know it will take some time. We know we're engaged in a marathon not a 100 meters sprint.
As for now, the initiative is made of 3 main points:
1. The Demo Nights
A "Demo Night" every 3 months. A "Demo Night" is a moment dedicated to young startups wanting to demo their products. We can gather a large audience made of students, other startupers, IT professionals, people working in some key public institutions and Business Angels.
2. The Meetups
Monthly meetups which can either be about a technical aspect of a startup (like "how to raise funds" or "how to protect your IP in northern america") or an inpirational talk from a member of the french or international startup scene.
3. The Founder's Club
Monthly meeting of the "Founder's Club". Every month, we'll held a private meeting where every startups founders can discuss freely and privately about their strategies, their failures and their successes!
Our manifesto comes from the 4 points plan of Brad Feld:
Two types of people: leaders (entrepreneurs) and feeders (people who support startups, such as government agencies, funders, service providers). While the "feeders" are the very fabric of the community, the entrepreneurs must be in the lead.
A long-term view and commitment to building the community
A philosophy of inclusiveness that welcomes everyone with an interest, not just entrepreneurs
Substantive activities that engage the entire community to help startups move forward