LMS RESTORATION is on the cutting edge of our industry. Our major service divisions are: Fire & Water Damage Restoration, Nationwide Disaster Response & Recovery, and Commercial Construction & Restoration. Owner, Don Preston, is one of only 8 Certified Restorers in the state of Texas.
An additional specialty of LMS RESTORATION is in Healthcare Specific Restoration Services. Carefully following the ICRA standards and reducing liablilty for hospitals is what sets us apart from other restoration companies. We are members of the American Society for Healthcare Engineers (ASHE) and hold ASHE's certification in Healthcare Construction.
We are also a huge resource for property managers, building owners and restoration companies. LMS RESTORATION has 7 semi trailers loaded with drying equipment on standby 24/7/365 for your emergency needs. We are centrally located in Paris, Texas and can be anywhere in the continental United States within 24hrs.
Call us at 903-784-3559.
**Member of the Restoration Industry Association