A communication and advertising company in Bologna (Italy).
World class designers with a 15 years experience with top class companies.
In the world of American comics, Latveria is the kingdom of the dastardly Doctor Doom, the arch-enemy of the Fantastic Four.
In the real world, Latveria is a land with a vocation: to create design-inspired communications that enhance brand value.
The qualities that distinguish Latveria can be broken down as follows:
-The citizens of Latveria exercise their talents in the process of fashion communications: from labelling to communication campaigns, books catalogues, movies, textile design & pattern product graphics, POP and B2B material, mascots, vision books, retail systems, packaging, stands, events ... Anything and everything that makes a brand!
-Competent, receptive, creative, reliable, rapid and responsive. If you ask a regular visitor to Latveria what they think of us, this is what they will say!
-We have built important relationships in Italy, Switzerland, the USA, Turkey, France, Morocco and we have organised photo shoots in Europe (Italy, France, England and Spain), Asia, and North and South America.
-Geographically speaking, Latveria is situated in the centre of Bologna, Italy. Right at the heart of the Alma Mater Studiorum quarter, the oldest University in the western world. Here, theories are never divorced from action and strategies are developed together with visual identity. This is a land where pictures speak louder than words.
-A consolidated relationship with the creative fabric of emerging design and the Bologna Academy of Arts, allows Latverians to enjoy fresh ideas at the source before they reach the grindhouse of industry.
-From force of globe-trotting habit, Latverians are always interested in brands from other worlds who are eager to explore the frontiers of glam pop and the seductive expedients of the fashion system.