The Chinese Nationalist Party (CNP), also often alternatively as the Kuomintang of China (KMT), is a political party with a long history and a wholesome ideal. This ideal is the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC) as a free, democratic, prosperous and dignified modern nation under the Dr. Sun Yet-Sen's "Three Principles of the People", which are Nationalism, Democracy, and People's Livelihood.
In 1894, at a critical juncture in the first Sino-Japanese war of 1894-1895 and lost Taiwan as a part Chinese territory, with the corruptive governance of Qing dynasty, Dr. Sun Yat-sen with clear perception and vision, traveled to Honolulu to appeal to the overseas Chinese there to form a revolutionary organization with the aim of rescuing the Chinese nation and found a brand new China according to his "Three Principles of the People".
With the proclamation of the Republic of China (ROC), lot of KMT comrades contribute the bloods and lives in order to achieve a free, democratic, prosperous and dignified modern Chinese nation.
Since the relocation of the ROC government to Taiwan in 1949 (defected by the Chinese Communist Party in the Second Chinese Civil War, and lost most of mainland China's territory to the Communist), with the continuous revolutionary spirit, the party's successive leaders have implemented these traditions and "Three Principles of the People", resulting in successful land reforms and economic reconstruction, development in culture and education, and science and technology, constitutional reform, promoting democracy, and improving cross-strait relations (relations between mainland China and Taiwan). All this has given rise to the miraculous "Taiwan Experience", renowned and admired over the world.
In the future, KMT will continually promote the Chinese culture, more interaction and dialogue between Taiwan and mainland China (including maintain peace among the region), in order to create a freedom, democratic wealth, and unified China.