Kunming Hasfarm Flowers (previously known as Taikoo Flowers) was invested in 2007 by Finlays (subsidiary of Swire). In 2014 the company was sold to Hasfarm Holdings (among others this company owns Dalat Hasfarm Vietnam and Greenwings Japan).
Kunming Hasfarm is located 2,000 meters above sea level, 60 km north of Kunming in the Yunnan province of China (South Western China). At this location there are 30 hectares of modern greenhouses and supporting infrastructure including cold storage, grading halls, pack house facilities, tissue culture laboratory and young plants cutting nurseries.
The company is producing cut-flowers, of which the majority is being exported to Japan, Australia and UK. Recently a growing amount of stems are being sold on the domestic market. The flowers in production include carnation, alstroemeria, hydrangea, etc.
The company also owns a Joint Venture with HilverdaKooij, a company from The Netherlands, where it produces young plants for domestic market and export to Europe and Japan.