Kuan Capital Asesores EAF is an independent wealth management firm regulated by Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) which provide investment and wealth management services to retail and institutional clients.
We are specialized in design, build and manage investment portfolios within the fixed income and alternative investments areas under both value investing principles and factor investment approach. Our main target is focused in establish an independent and professional wealth management service that allow us to preserve and optimize the wealth of our clients.
"First of all we manage the risk, then we obtain the return"
Financial Services, Foreign exchange brokers and dealers, Financial and insurance services, Business Services
HQ Location
Calle Atrio de Santiago 1, 2ºA
Valladolid, Valladolid 47001, ES
Asesoramiento en materia de inversiónPlanificación financieraGestión patrimonial familiarAsesoramiento institucional (IICSICAV´s)Planificación filantropicaPlanificación sucesoriaAsesoramiento Financiero IntegralAsesoramiento fiscaland Gestión de Family Office