KOHLTRADE is a trading company with long background history and broad experience in the tobacco industry. Our company headquarters is located in the largest export center of tobacco in the world, Santa Cruz do Sul, Brazil, a region that is recognized internationally for the quality of our tobacco. We offer flue-cured Virginia and Burley tobacco laminas, stems, scraps, and Cut-rag such as American Blend, Virginia, or custom-developed blends. KOHLTRADE is not affiliated with multinational groups, allowing us to work with lower costs and more flexibility in finding solutions and developing products for our clients. Our suppliers are mostly family-operated businesses, tobacco producers, cooperatives, or companies with an entrepreneurial spirit that built a pretty reputable history in the market. Adding to those, our team is also formed by professionals with extensive national and international experience in the areas of production, sales, and management of tobacco. We want to invite you to review the next pages and to access our website certain that there will be always someone willing to help you if you may need any tobacco products within our markets. Welcome to our LinkedIn website.