Ko Awatea is the Centre for Health System Innovation and Improvement for the Counties Manukau District Health Board (CMDHB). It sits at the heart of the DHB’s activities to improve value for money and to support the transformational change needed to keep pace with the demand for more and better health services managed within tight financial constraints.
Ko Awatea comprises a physical centre, the Ko Awatea Centre for Education and Innovation (a joint venture between CMDHB and AUT University, Manukau Institute of Technology, and the University of Auckland), the Health System Improvement Team, and the centres of excellence.In addition to its three education partners, Ko Awatea has strategic partnerships with the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI), NHS Wales, and the Better Value Health Care.
Nothing less than transformational change is required to meet the fundamental challenge of demand for healthcare services outstripping the ability to supply. Ko Awatea is privileged to have the mandate, facilities, staff, colleagues, and partners needed to define and lead that transformation. To achieve our vision of excellent, sustainable healthcare and optimal population health, we know that healthcare must be a shared goal, responsibility, and activity for everyone in Counties-Manukau. Ko Awatea is committed to collaborating with the entire population so that, together, we can achieve this vision.