Looking to expand your social footprint
and grow your professional network of connections?
Today networking and connecting with professionals in business is imperative to success.
The KW Business Women’s Association is looking to expand its membership with like-minded business professionals. We host 4-5 networking events per month to help highlight our members and promote the businesses they represent. Our meetings are both interactive and informative with an emphasis on professional and personal development.
It’s a known fact that women are experts at helping promote one another. The KWBWA strives to provide a professional environment where women create meaningful and lasting relationships with business women in our community. When you develop a relationship of trust you are more likely to do business with that person and pass on referrals to help them succeed. We are dedicated to the empowerment and success of women. We want to help you get the tools and exposure you need to help with your business success.
How our members benefit:
Create a powerful marketing and advertising opportunity through networking.
Provide a forum to help you promote, advertise and market your products and services.
Showcase your business weekly with a variety of professional women.
Network effectively with business owners, entrepreneurs and other like-minded women.
Learn from collective experience, knowledge and creativity of business women.
If you are looking to expand your circle of influence and increase your business potential, join us for a luncheon meeting. It’s an environment to learn, grow and connect.