Kinnov is a committed team of like-minded forward thinking individuals who focus on innovation and solving real-world business pains. We saw how difficult it was for small to medium sized business people and their staff to effectively manage and grow their businesses. The complexity, in-efficiencies and high costs associated with most business management solutions often cause more pain than good. Our mission is to change that and hence the Kinnov business framework solution was born.
Kinnov Business Framework is a fully integrated online, modular based, business management solution. This means no software needs to be installed on your computers. The business services are provided over the internet and can be accessed online anytime and anywhere via an internet browser. We don’t require our customers to be IT experts or to invest in costly and in-efficient in-house IT.
Our business management solution focuses on automating the following core business functions:
• sales and marketing
• operations
• planning
• monitoring & evaluation