The purpose of the KCRA shall be to build, operate and/or maintain one or more amateur radio repeaters as decided by the voting body of the membership, and to call meetings to plan and conduct the business of the KCRA. The KCRA will seek to promote and/or sponsor such activities, which may improve the technical expertise of, and the fellowship amongst its members and the amateur radio community. The KCRA will seek to provide, or assist in any activities, which render a public service to the community, as opportunity permits, and subject to the approval of the voting body.
The KCRA will sponsor and/or assist in the activities it chooses which advance the amateur radio service and/ or provide benefits to amateur radio operators. It is the overriding intent of these bylaws that the control, direction, and policy decisions of the KCRA rest with its voting members and be exercised by the elected officers who, being the representatives of the members, are obligated to act in the best interest of the association.