Kiind is a not-for-profit organisation supporting thousands of families who are raising children, aged between birth and 25 years, living with disability, developmental delay, autism, genetic, rare, undiagnosed and/or chronic health conditions.
Through our three pillars of support, we help families:
Connect with other families for social and emotional support and provide expert guidance and navigation to find the most appropriate services and supports for their child and their family.
Learn with parent education workshops, information, tools and resources to help parents build their knowledge to advocate confidently on behalf of their child and their family.
Be heard by sharing experiences and adding their voice to those of others to present a collective voice to policy- and decision-makers to build a more accessible, equitable and inclusive society for all children.
Our Peer Navigators all have lived experience of caring for a family member with disability. They have extensive knowledge of the health, disability and education systems and can help families find the answers they’re looking for to best support their child and their family.
Based at the Perth Children's Hospital, membership to Kiind is FREE and provides parents with access to a vast array of information, resources, opportunities, and inclusive family-friendly events as well as connection to a community of thousands of other parents supporting children with disability.