Designed by parents, for parents, KidNimble offers a vast array of camp and after-school activities across the US.
SEARCH our database of local kids programs. Just need a general idea of what programs are in your area? KidNimble has the largest database of kids programs anywhere. Input your zip code and see what comes up!
CONNECT with other parents. The fundamental goal of KidNimble is to help parents share information about kids programs. The parents at your schools and other activities are the best source of information. Period. Login with Facebook/Google+/LinkedIn or create an account and KidNimble helps you reach them, see what they are doing, what programs they follow, and which ones they’ve reviewed. If you’re friends, you can even send them a quick question, right on KidNimble!
FORM a group to facilitate communication about specific plans. Maybe you already have a group, of three or four parents and want to coordinate a camp, or even just a playdate. Maybe you have a team that needs to agree on a practice time. Form a group on KidNimble and make communication with all of them easy!
FOLLOW specific kids programs to receive updates and special deal offers. See a program you’re interested in? Follow them on KidNimble to get updates in your newsfeed and score discounts!