Since 1980, Keystone Gun-Krete has been servicing General Contractors, Concrete Finishers, Farmers, Businesses, and Homeowners with Concrete Pumping, Shotcrete, Slab Lifting or Slab Jacking (the lifting & leveling of uneven concrete surfaces to eliminate tripping hazards). With the best operators and state of the art Boom Pumps and Trailer Pumps, Keystone Gun-Krete is the preferred choice in the region. As a REED Dealer, Keystone Gun-Krete also sells and services the best in Trailer Pumps to many other pumping and placement companies within their service area.
HQ Location
4435 Oregon Pike
Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522, US
Main Products
Concrete Contractor
Concrete PumpingShotcrete ApplicationSlab Lifting and LevelingBoom Pump OperationTrailer Pump OperationEquipment Servicing
Concrete PumpingShotcreteSlab LiftingSlab JackingBoom PumpsTrailer PumpsSales of Trailer PumpsServicing of Trailer Pumps
Concrete PumpingSlab JackingShotcreteREED Sales