Based in Oxford, UK and with a sister company (Keston Economics) in Australia, Keston Technologies is a dynamic consulting company specialising in innovation, project and program management, strategy development and regional economic development. Since its establishment in 2004, the company has delivered projects for clients across Europe and Australia, often in partnership with other organisations.
From advising government agencies on strategy development, to monitoring publicly-funded projects, to developing regional economic development plans, to providing commercialisation services to nanotechnology centres, to assisting Welsh biotechnology companies to access Australasian markets, Keston Technologies is a highly effective resource.
We have a portfolio of projects in:
* Development of innovation-related initiatives, including centres of excellence and co-working spaces.
* Exploitation and commercialisation of research.
* Monitoring of innovation and R&D projects.
* Evaluation of innovation programs, their impacts and effectiveness.
* Economic analyses, impact studies and feasibility studies.
* Strategic studies in regional and economic development.
* Development of business cases and cost-benefit analyses.
* International business development and strategy, in Australasia, Europe and North America.
Based on:
* Many years of experience in the monitoring and evaluation of research projects and programs.
* Working with organisations across academia, industry and government.
*A thorough understanding of economic analysis & needs assessment, informing well-argued feasibility studies & business cases.
* An in-depth knowledge of regional development priorities & needs.
* Report writing, including clearly articulated strategies & recommendations for implementation.
* Robust stakeholder analysis and consultation tools founded on robust social research principles.