Repetition breeds Reputation breeds Results!
In this information age, where we are constantly bombarded with messages, experts now say it takes around twelve repetitions of a message to get a result. How many times are your customers hearing from you? Reading about you? Seeing your name?
Keep Your Fork brings together a team of communication professionals from well-respected journalists to digital marketing specialists who have vast experience in all areas of marketing and public relations, media, personal and business branding and development. Our Fork Folk are all outstanding experts in their field and our journalists have built invaluable relationships with a huge variety of local, regional and national media contacts.
Keep Your Fork’s services are for those who are serious about attracting new clients and growing. By getting your name out there and building your reputation, customers come to YOU!
Our services include:
► Marketing: copywriting, awards, digital, social media and personal branding
► Public Relations: retained services, media platform & bespoke projects and crisis management
► Business Development: research, surveys and strategy
► Training & Workshops: all aspects of marketing & PR, event hosting and facilitation
We love to help businesses, charities and entrepreneurs communicate their success. Last year, almost every one of our clients had a staggering 100% success in seeing their stories reach the media - the industry average is around 50%. Many of our clients’ stories go even further, getting picked up by national on and offline publications, radio and even TV.
Keep Your Fork is at heart a ‘social purpose’ company which demonstrates ‘giving back’, from charity support to mentorship. We are committed to working with other ethical organisations and always consider social and environmental ethics in our decision making.
Let us help you communicate your success. Please contact us:
07985 038265