Kayser Short Sale Law Center works with both real estate professionals and homeowners when completing a short sale. Since 2006, we have helped many homeowners avoid foreclosures by negotiating their short sales. Our file managers are very knowledgable on the short sale process, and work with the homeowners every step of the way! Our law firm continues to be on of St. Louis' most trusted and respected short sale law firms.
Kayser Short Sale Law Center is an ideal platform for the expansion into the Chicago short sale market. Our state-of-the-art short sale negotiation processes have successfully negotiated with Lenders on behalf of Sellers and real estate agents for 8 years. Our top-flight team has the ability to STOP a Trustee Sale or Auction. Kayser's growing group of venture-focused attorneys and file managers have a 95% closing rate* and have the experience to negotiate the best terms for all parties including relocation fees and reduced liability for everyone. The firm covers the waterfront of legal competence: short sale negotiation, foreclosure prevention, and legal issues involving bankruptcy and foreclosure - among others. .
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