
Kauli specializes in Retail Apparel and Fashion with 11 employees
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About Kauli
Kauli is a people and product centered business, based on the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, that manufactures unique and high-quality handbags and accessories. The goal of Kauli design is to merge elements of African culture, aesthetics and functionality into meaningful, beautiful and usable objects. We want to participate in the rich creative tradition of the continent through the fabrication of premium products that celebrate the unique materials of Africa and the charming personalities of its people. One of the most remarkable sources of artistry in Africa is textiles. At Kauli we carefully curate the most characteristic antique, vintage and contemporary fabrics in order to build highly limited collections for two seasonal releases : “The Dry Season” and “The Rainy Season”. These folk fabrics play the lead role in the production of a high-quality accessory range that includes Tanzanian-produced leather, safari-grade canvas and customized brass hardware. The people at Kauli are most important to us - they deserve good jobs and good benefits. As a socially responsible business, we are deeply committed to supporting the professional successes and personal satisfactions of our entire staff. Kauli cares for its people by giving them real jobs with health benefits, a stable and safe working environment, opportunities to expand their skills and, most of all, fair salaries that can support them and their families. As the business grows, so will the opportunities for the Kauli staff to graduate to positions of higher responsibility and to gain assistance in launching their own enterprises.
Year Founded
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Retail Apparel and Fashion
HQ Location
P.O. Box 377 Moshi, TZ
High-end Streetwear African Fashion and Handbags & Accessories
Kauli Location
  • P.O. Box 377 Moshi, TZ

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Kauli specializes in the Retail Apparel and Fashion field