Our mission is to be the finest building supply dealer in the area, combining knowledgeable, pleasant, and courteous service with a full line of building materials at competitive prices. Our employees, working as a team, are our most important resource. It is only by their performance, dedication, and achievements that we remain successful.
We constantly strive to offer and provide our customers with new and innovative products that represent the best value in the marketplace. We offer classes and seminars to acquaint our clients with the latest in new products. Our goal is to develop customer confidence through excellent service, quality products, and a policy of customer satisfaction.
Wholesale Building Materials
HQ Location
373 N 5th St
Newark, New Jersey 07107, US
Knowledgeable servicePleasant and courteous serviceCustomer satisfactionTeamwork
Full line of building materialsNew and innovative productsClasses and seminars
Building MaterialsDecking & RailingToolsHardwareDoors & WindowsMillwork & MouldingEngineered Lumber