The formation of Karafarin Bank was mainly the outcome of an economic collaboration between participating parties from the Iranian Association of Industry Managers, the Association of Construction Companies, the Association of Utility and Equipment Companies, the Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers, the Society of Consulting Architects and Urban Planning Engineers, a select group of prominent Iranian banking experts and the general public. The Bank was originally established as a non-bank credit institution with a fully paid-in capital of IRR30 billion. It was registered on 9 December 1999 under registration number 157915 at the Tehran Companies’ Registry Office as Karafarinan Non-Bank Credit Institution. The Bank operated as a general credit institution and its activities were subject to the Credit Institutions’ Activities Regulation. Following the enactment of the Non-State Bank Establishment Act on 10 April 2000 and the implementation of its relevant requirements, in light of the clear advantages of banking activities to those of credit institutions, the Board of Directors carried out necessary actions and laid the foundations needed for a restructuring. Hence, based on an operating license issued on 5 December 2001 by the Central Bank of Iran, Karafarin Bank was officially established on 26 December 2001 with a fully paid-in capital of IRR200 billion as a commercial bank that engages in all segments of banking activities.