Kantorei is a high-quality a cappella choral ensemble of about 40 voices based in Minnesota. The ensemble pursues the highest standard of musical expression and artistry. Directed since 1988 by Axel Theimer, Kantorei has become widely known for its stunning interpretations of European choral music.
Kantorei performs the great a cappella choral treasures and also specializes in seldom-heard 19th- and 20th-century European compositions. The repertoire has inspired Minnesota audiences for nearly a quarter of a century.
With an integral focus on vocal health, Kantorei has set a standard in Minnesota for rich, effortless and efficient choral sound. This natural approach to singing has garnered resounding acclaim from composers and critics alike.
The ensemble presents a full season of concerts each year, offers a growing collection of celebrated compact disc recordings and has been regularly featured on classical public radio programs. Through its educational and outreach programming, Kantorei invites audiences of all ages to share its pursuit of singing for a lifetime.
HQ Location
P.O. Box 40114
Saint Paul, MN 55104, US
High-standard musical expressionArtistic interpretation of choral musicVocal health managementRich, effortless, and efficient choral sound production
A cappella choral performancesCompact disc recordingsClassical public radio featuresEducational and outreach programming