"Kam to reikia?!" (or "Who needs it?!" in English) is a professional volunteering initiative, aiming to increase students' motivation to study and assist them in choosing their future career path.
After graduating from high schools young people are not ready and are not sure how to apply knowledge gained and skills acquired in real life. This happens for many reasons:
- Students are not willing to study,
- Studying is too academic,
- There is a big gap between high school and real life.
What can we do?
We can enable organisations share their real-life experience in high schools, thus promoting professional volunteering.
At the same time, we try to interest students in life at school and show the meaning of studying through real-life examples, explaining how knowledge gained in schools can be applied in daily processes at work.
Our main working tool is www.kamtoreikia.lt - a web-based platform, bringing high schools and various professionals together. To many organisations it serves as a tool for introducing their experience, knowledge and requirements. Different activities (so-called projects) between students and professionals are possible:
- Lessons at schools,
- Excursions to companies/ organisations,
- Job-shadowing (students observe professionals at work),
- Other free form activities (e.g. project consulting).
If you are interested in sharing your experience with the Lithuanian youth, don't hesitate and contact us!