Kaleidoscope Institute

Religious Institutions · 11 Employees
Email Address: kscope@kscopeinstitute.org
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After traveling all over the world giving workshops and trainings for churches in all the major denominations, the Rev. Eric H. F. Law finally decided to found an institute to continue the ministry that he started back in the late 1980s when he began a theological and practical journey through the landscape of diversity. His focus has always been: as a Christian, how can he follow Christ’s call to seek and serve Christ in every person and respect the dignity of every human being? What started out as a need to help himself, and others around him, address race and diversity issues in faithful and constructive ways has evolved into something much bigger and deeper. Over the years, many have found his writing and methods helpful for their ministries, as evidenced by the overwhelming number of requests f or him to give lectures and workshops across the United States, Canada, Australia, Asia, and Europe. He has written six books on the subject, ranging from individual spiritual practice to systemic transformational applications. His first book, The Wolf Shall Dwell with the Lamb, also appeared in a Spanish translation in 2005.
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Religious Institutions
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Anti-Racism Orientation/Intercultural Competency TrainingLeadership DevelopmentWorkshop designand Cogregational Development

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