Kaipara Kai Hub provides on-the-ground support that enables land to be used to its best potential.
The Hub is part of Kaipara Kai, one of four Kaipara KickStart projects funded by the Provincial Growth Fund and led by Kaipara District Council to stimulate economic growth and community wellbeing.
Kaipara’s fertile land and subtropical climate is suited for producing kai (food). The district is roughly two hours away from the biggest city and export port in New Zealand.
The Kaipara Kai Hub delivered by Northland Inc, has a key role of facilitating support to food producers in Kaipara district to connect them with people, organisations and information when they are trying new things.
Food producers could be anyone in the food value ecosystem such as landowners, growers, farmers, distributors, manufacturers, pack houses or retailers and restaurants.
Food producers may want to grow more diverse crops, try a new digital tool or technology, explore a new market, get funding for research and development, or trial a new management practice that could make their system more climate resilient.
Our service is to connect people wanting to try new things with the support they need to be successful and help them be more resilient if things don’t go to plan.
We provide face to face services to food producers looking for support, we curate and host relevant events to share information and knowledge about contemporary food production and we compliment this with an online directory on our website and social media.