KOSUN OILFIELD SEV.CO., LTDundefined can give good quality Industrial Plants, Machinery & Equipment and many more China SOLID CONTROL EQUIPMENTS goods, as they are a classified Manufacturer. The factory of KOSUN OILFIELD SEV.CO., LTDundefined is placed in Beijing Beijing China. KOSUN OILFIELD SEV.CO., LTDundefined is a famous firm in China that is operating in large scale market. KOSUN OILFIELD SEV.CO., LTDundefined Facts Name: yana li Address: Beijing Beijing Country: China Main Products: SOLID CONTROL EQUIPMENTS Year Established: 2005 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Israel, United States, South Africa Estimated Employees: 501 - 1000 People Registered Capital: US$10 Million - US$50 Million Ownership Status: Corporation Limited Liability Company Export Percentage: 51% - 60% Factory Size: 3, 000-5, 000 square meters Production Lines: 4 Research Team Size: Fewer than 5 Contract Services: OEM Service Offered