Today, a staggering 110 million people are forced to flee their homes. Half of all refugees are aged under 18, many spend their entire youth living in camps. Solutions can take years, frustration sets in and lives risk being wasted.
KLABU is a young and ambitious social startup that uses the power of sport and community to support refugees who are rebuilding their lives. Based in Amsterdam, the organisation works closely with refugee and host communities around the world to build their own clubhouses that are hubs for play, entrepreneurship, good health and education. Projects are currently active in Kalobeyei (Kenya), Cox’s Bazar (Bangladesh), Lesvos (Greece) and closer to the KLABU home in Amsterdam and Ter Apel, the Netherlands. KLABU doesn’t do this alone - partners and supporters include UNHCR the UN Refugee Agency and the French football club Paris Saint-Germain.
The KLABU Foundation builds and operates the clubhouses on a non-profit basis. The Foundation is funded primarily through donations from institutions and private individuals, and proceeds from the sale of KLABU sportswear.
The development and sale of KLABU sportswear is carried out by our social enterprise KLABU B.V. Developing and selling KLABU products gives us a level of independence to become a healthy organisation with long-term impact. Half the profits from sales go to the KLABU Foundation to maintain our clubhouses in refugee camps. The other half are reinvested to increase our brand’s impact.
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