KIRIN GIFT INTERNATIONAL CO., LIMITED can provide best quality Sports Goods, Toys & Games and many more China Watch, clock, stationery, USB products, pedometer, skiping rope, radio goods, as they are a renowned Manufacturer. The branch of KIRIN GIFT INTERNATIONAL CO., LIMITED is sited in SHENZHEN Guangdong China. KIRIN GIFT INTERNATIONAL CO., LIMITED is a uppermost company in China that is dealing in overall market. KIRIN GIFT INTERNATIONAL CO., LIMITED Profile Name: HOPE SHU Address: SHENZHEN Guangdong Country: China Main Products: Watch, clock, stationery, USB products, pedometer, skiping rope, radio Year Established: 2009 Export Focus: Australia, Chile, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: 501 - 1000 People Registered Capital: US$10 Million - US$50 Million Ownership Status: Private Limited Export Percentage: 61% - 70% Factory Size: Below 1, 000 square meters Production Lines: 6 Research Team Size: 11 - 50 People Contract Services: Design Service Offered
Digital Skipping Rope, Gym Equipment, Sports & Entertainment, Other Watches, Watches, Jewelry & Watches
HQ Location
Guangdong, Shenzhen, China
WatchClockStationeryUsb ProductsPedometerSkiping RopeRadioFitness ItemPromotional Item