The company KF Finance was established in 2009. Today we are the leading local financial advisory company in South East Europe. KF Finance group employs more than 120 professionals across the region, who provide with our clients a comprehensive range of advisory services.
The international dimension of our clients’ projects has led us to establish subsidiaries in the neighbouring region. In 2014 we opened offices in Zagreb (Croatia) and Belgrade (Serbia). We are thus able to provide our clients in all local markets with the same level of professionalism, expertise and local market intelligence as in Slovenia.
In 2016 KF Finance acquired Pro Kolekt Group thus entering a new business segment (debt collection and credit reporting) and expanding its regional coverage to all ex-Yugoslavia countries, Romania and Bulgaria. In the same year KF Finance group entered a non-performing loans servicing market as the first domestic services provider to investors in NPL by establishing AK Servicing, which is now servicing more than 600 million EUR of NPLs across the region and providing outsourcing services to banks.
Due to local intelligence and know-how of our team we saw the opportunity to enter into asset management business. In 2017 an Alternative Investment Fund ALFI was established and managed to raise EUR 40 mn in a year time. In that same year also Registrator – the premier accounting firm – joined the group.
We are full of ideas; hence we expect a strong growth of KF Finance Group to continue.
We feel privileged and thankful that our clients recognize our efforts and award us by cooperating with us.