Kes Kabelove A Elektricke Systemy, Spol. S R.O.

Cars - electrical and electronic parts and components, Material & Equipment, Vehicles & Transport Equipment
We are producer of wire harnesses located in Vratimov, Czech Republic. Our main products: - Wire harnesses for head/rear- lamps and lamps including LED version - Wire harnesses for a car fuel system - Wire harnesses for electrical industry (low voltage distribution systems, washing machines, etc.) - Electrical heating systems of accumulator units for electric cars - Power cables for independent heating of a car - Others wire harnesses Production technologies: - Automated production of wire harnesses - Low pressure injection molding for water resistant applications - Sealing and casting with resins and silicon - Ultrasonic welding of wires - IDC connectors processing - Fully automatic electrical testing of wire harnesses - Mechanized assembly of harness groups and subgroups Development - Development of components and wire harnesses by means of Catia V5
Year Founded
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Cars - electrical and electronic parts and components, Material & Equipment, Vehicles & Transport Equipment, Electric vehicles, Car Doors, Body Kits, Automobiles Motorcycles, Car Bumpers, Car Video, Auto Electronics
HQ Location
  • Popinecka983/30,73932Vratimov-CzechRep.

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Cars - electrical and electronic parts and components, Material & Equipment, Vehicles & Transport Equipment

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