The main purpose of Just Cause Inc is to highlight talented individuals in the community and help them to share their artistic vision. Growing up as a kid one of my favorite shows was “Fame”, a community of talented individuals looking to make their mark in the world. This influenced me greatly as sequentially I grew up as a performer in the arts and am a huge fan of creative expression. We feel this is a great way to share one’s voice, becoming grounded, confident, and allowing a constructive way forward to be heard in this competitive world. We want to help cultivate this talent by amplifying their voice, and giving them a platform so they can share their stories and help uplift others around the world to do the same. Right now we are funding this ourselves, out of pocket. We look to align with others willing to donate to our cause and also with product sponsors.
One of our favorite quotes is by Albert Einstein, who wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” In the US alone, student loan debt is 1.5 Trillion dollars and a lot of times the youth feels pressure, going into college, paying all this money, and having problems with either job displacement or deciding that they want to do something else, dreaming of their passions of old. We simply want to illuminate a path for some of these creative individuals to feel like they have options as they navigate forward in their journey to defining themselves and ultimately being a solid contributor to society and the economy. Times like this can be rough and there are unique pressures and it sometimes feels like some of these kids lose the game before they even know how to play. We want to help create winners and help these kids become inspired, intellectually aware, and to be the very best versions of themselves they can be.