Jupiter Gold Corporation is a gold exploration company focused on gold discoveries in Brazil. Jupiter Gold owns 11 mineral rights totaling 94,828 acres.
The Company’s gold projects are located in some of the best gold provinces in Brazil including Paracatu (where the largest gold mine in the country is located, owned by global giant Kinross; 16 million ounces of gold mined and in reported reserves; annual production of 480,000 ounces), Crixás (with four gold mines owned by gold giant AngloGold Ashanti; 7 million ounces of gold mined and in reported reserves; annual production of 130,000 ounces), the Iron Quadrangle (multiple gold mines), Serrita (known gold deposits and prospector activity), and the Amazon (a new gold frontier with potential for large mineralization).
Jupiter Gold also owns a fully operational gold recovery plant in Brazil, recently placed in a mining concession. The plant utilizes centrifugation for recovery of particulate gold.
Jupiter Gold is audited annually by a U.S. PCAOB auditor firm. Approximately 4.4 million common shares were issued, and the float is approximately 1.2 million shares. It has no debt to third-parties, and it cannot, by formal provision in its bylaws, issue any variable-rate convertible debt.