Nationally Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Generalist Mediator, and Legal Practitioner Julie George, has extensive experience in providing mediation services to a wide variety of clients.
Julie has gained valuable experience and expertise whilst practising privately and within the Family Relationship Centre model, working intensively in all facets of Family Law Mediation.
With the addition of legal qualifications, and experience within Family Law, Julie understands the principles that underpin the legislative framework and the processes involved if clients choose to litigate. Education and support from a neutral third party, motivates clients to avoid litigation, maintain ownership of decision making, and work toward improved cooperation.
Julie believes that dispute resolution is about balance. Parties are assisted to actively communicate and share ideas, and identify their needs and interests, to advance workable solutions. Clients are supported and challenged to reflect upon their own views, think creatively, and find solutions that are mutually beneficial, and future focused.