General information
@jueliansg is the sole importer of Yang Ding Dong Organic Tea and Rulan Jin Xian Lian. We pride ourselves to sell and export high quality products at affordable prices. We carry products such as organic tea and health supplements, bringing only the best to you!
Here are some of the brands that we carry.
Yang Ding DongOrganic tea from the land where it was originated. Sip and chill while you experience the vast benefits it has to offer. Go organic, goodness for your health and our planet earth!
Rulan Jin Xian Lian (Anoectochilus Roxburghii) Jin Xian Lian (Anoectochilus Roxburghii) is commonly known as “Marbled Jewel Orchid”, it’s a rare perennial Chinese plant that has thousand years of history. It has demonstrated antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects, living up to its name as medicine king.