Jordan Pharmaceutical Students' Association Jpsa

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing · 51 Employees
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Jordan Pharmaceutical Students’ Association is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization that was founded in May 2007. The organization is affiliated to the Eastern Mediterranean regional office (EMRO) of the International pharmaceutical students federation (IPSF) which is located in the Netherlands. In Jordan the organization comprises the faculties of pharmacy in four universities which students are able to be members in. Those universities are: The University of Jordan, The Hashemite University, Jordan University of Science and Technology and Middle East University. The organization’s aim is to improve the skills of pharmacy students in their field, by raising their pharmaceutical and medical knowledge, to be able to do an impact in their societies and help the arounds with their medical knowledge. The organization also works to improve the personality and raise the self-confidence for the students to build future pharmacists who will be able to deal with any troubles they might have in the future. The organization seeks to achieve its objectives and aims through the events that are being resided by it, which is varied in many fields: first, the Humanitarian events which include foster and nursing homes visits, medical campaigns in the refugees camps, clothing bank for the poor and many other campaigns that aims to give humanitarian assistance and raise the awareness of the students. Second, the public health events that include broad medical campaigns in universities, hospitals, medical centers and in public, these events contributes to promote the students’ self-confidence through meeting people from all ages and direct contact with their societies. Finally, professional development events which are extracurricular events that aim to improve the student’s personality and skills including leadership, time management and many other skills.
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