Jordan Heritage Revival

Program Development · 51 Employees
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About JHRC:Based on the Royal vision of a self-sustaining historical re-enactment sector in Jordan, the King Abdullah II Fund for Development created JHRC Mission To create, engender and administer a self-sustaining historical re-enactment sector in Jordan General information JHRC: Based on the Royal vision of a self-sustaining historical re-enactment sector in Jordan, the King Abdullah II Fund for Development (KAFD) created the Jordan Heritage Revival Company (JHRC). Mission To create, engender and administer a self-sustaining historical re-enactment sector in Jordan Objectives The overall business objectives are aimed at carefully capitalizing on the national treasure in order to bring history to life for Jordanians and tourists, while also developing a self-sustaining income stream. JHRC’s objectives are to: Foster an interest in Jordan’s history Increase the attractiveness of Jordan as a destination for foreign tourists, journalists and corporations by enhancing the availability of cultural activities. Generate employment opportunities for retired military personnel and prospects for other local business ventures achieve self-sustaining financing through expansion of other areas for business development, including the addition of corresponding hospitality and touristic components like cafes and shops, events, the engagement with the film industry and tourism intermediaries and the acquisition of copyrights and associated imagery.
Year Founded
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Program Development
HQ Location
Shobak Petra Amman, 11183, JO
Shobak Ayyoubi ShowPetra Nabatian ShowJOURNEY THROUGH 1916Umm Qais AqueductMontreal Hoteland Shoback Castel Electric Cars
  • Shobak Petra Amman, 11183, JO
  • Rum South Rum, JO
  • Shobak South - Maan, JO

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