Our Vision: A world that manifests a culture of peace and human rights.
Our Mission: We work to advance dignity, freedom, justice, and security through collaborative relationships and transformative education on peace and human rights.
Our Values: We value and are committed to fostering a culture of peace and human rights through;
- Education and dialogue
- Respectful relationships
- Cooperation and collaboration
- Equity and dignity
- Freedom and justice
- Diversity and inclusion
- Integrity and transparency
- Truth and reconciliation
- Rights-based democracy
Strategic Priorities:
1. Engage children and young people in peace-building and human rights education
2. Foster adult learning and build community collaboration through education and dialogue on peace and human rights
3. Work with government, businesses and organizations to strengthen their application of human rights
We provide organizational consultancy and training to embed human rights as practise. Applying a rights based lens to your organization helps to strengthen practises that will ensure your workplace is diverse, inclusive, and respectful while also strengthening staff commitment, collaboration, retainment and satisfaction in their work.
PLEASE NOTE: Zero Tolerance Policy
ABSOLUTELY NO: harassment, discrimination of race, ability, class, sexual orientation, faith or gender, or posts with any sexually suggestive or explicit comments. Violation of these rules will result in immediate removal of the comment or the group without warning