Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG), established in 1980, is a nonprofit youth development program dedicated to helping young people graduate from high school and make successful transitions to postsecondary education and meaningful employment. JAG has served over 1.5 million youth since its inception and is currently helping 76,000+ young people across 1,550 locations in 40 states to achieve academic, career and life success.
By identifying students with significant challenges to success, JAG seeks to help the young people through a comprehensive youth development program, addressing both the cognitive and non-cognitive needs of each individual participant.
The curriculum, designed to help students master employability competencies, remediate in academic subjects and formulate strategies for gaining entry to postsecondary institutions or employment is delivered by teachers who are employed by a JAG state Affiliate 501(c)(3) or by the agency the state has chose to administer the program.