Topway is a specialized manufacturer and exporter which mainly deals with various kinds of shoes, such as casual shoes, fashion shoes, hiking shoes, sports shoes, sandals, work shoes and so on.Owning a shoes factory together with lots of partner factories is the best advantage of Topway Industry. You will see lots of fortune with which we can supply you.As a factory, we have advanced production lines and testing equipment which lead to high quality products and urgent delivery time based on customers special requirements. We also own a talented technique and designing team that are always ready to cooperate with our customers to develop products that lead the market.To stand erect and be competitive in the worldwide market, we open our business wider as a expanded merchant. From Topway, you will always get the various kinds of shoes as you required. You will also always have first class care both in our sales and after-sales services. A dedicated QC team, sophisticated artwork and designing presentation, complete range of excellent service, will ensure you, and your customers will always be looked after now and in the future!You are welcomed to contact us to find out more about becoming an international dealer. We are looking forward to receiving your inquries.
Skateboarding Shoes, Sports Shoes, Shoes & Accessories, Genuine Leather Shoes, More Categories, Short Boots, Men's Shoes, Children Boots
HQ Location
Huada Industrial,Chengdong,Fengze District