Jinisys Software, Incorporated offers hospitality software and turn-key applications development to more than a hundred companies and businesses all over the Philippines since 2008 and taking a giant leap to expand globally. Jinisys Software Inc. was established due to the market demands through Above Infranet Solutions Inc. its subsidiary that is known in communication solutions. Aims to be globally-recognized software solutions provider in the industry, thus, Jinisys is now recognized as reliable partner in customizing, designing and providing a one-stop solution that gives strategic value to your business.
A leading hotel management systems in the Philippines, Jinisys Software has provided businesses in hospitality a system, for them to perform basic and advanced hotel operations. Using their experiences over the years with hotel operations that includes reservations, accounting and more would definitely bring success to a business. Don’t forget their customer support, very professional and responsive to all questions. See their website and get to know more of their products and services. Check out their exciting careers offered.
Software Development, Computer & Software Agents, Agency Services, Business Services, Software, Computer Hardware Software, Servers, Other Networking Devices
HQ Location
101 Corner Pres. Quezon St. Villa Aurora
Cebu City, Cebu 6000, PH
Hotel Management SystemSoftware Design and DevelopmentCustom SoftwaresAgile Programmingand Property Management System