Jewellery World has been publishing Australia’s professional industry magazine since 1981. Published six times a year Jewellery World comprises five standard editions plus the indispensable Jewellers Guide annual directory. With a focus on trade news and information, Jewellery World is designed for retail jewellers, manufacturers, wholesalers and sales people.
The annual Jewellers Guide directory is the jewellery industry’s source book. Updated each year, the Jewellers Guide lists and cross-references hundreds of suppliers, wholesalers and manufacturers as well as brand names and product categories. In summary the Jewellers Guide is the industry’s prize reference tool for sourcing products, services and supplies.
Major manufacturers and distributors find participation in the magazine strengthens trade relations and sales while retailers see Jewellery World as a factual and respected independent source of news and information. Not surprisingly then Jewellery World has the highest audited circulation (CAB audited) of any Australian jewellery industry publication.
Complementing its print counterpart, is designed for the personnel of retail jewellery stores, manufacturers and wholesalers with a focus on trade news and information.