Jaytee industrial research and consultants(india) is an industrial research organisation registered with government of india as msme ,our innovative technology transfer system is not only quick, economic and authentic but is easy to receive and practice, that is how our organisation has gained name and fame globally for small scale product manufacturing consultancy.our organisation is working under dynamic leadership of various awards winner(including pride of india award ) active entrepreneur cum formulation expert dr javid ahmad dar ph.d of j & k india.
we provide small scale manufacturing technology transfer through various modules like formulation ebooks, technical know-how ereports, product formulation edocuments and pre-feasibility project reports.our technology transfer information is easy to understand in simple english with clear names of raw materials , rather than hidden trade names of specific raw material manufacturing with hidden chemistry.
we provide authentic information without any lengthy theories in nut-shell to small scale manufacturers so that the manufacturing practice becomes as easy as abc,we have various types of documents designed for various categories of our clients, like our technical know-how reports for product manufacturing are brief for new ones, existing experienced manufacturers can take only formulation document of a particular product, companies , consultants,technicians and qa personal can use our formulation e-books on particular subject to find new processes, formulations, raw materials, product quality , and may upgrade knowledge and skill with its help.we have these technology transfer modules designed specifically for products which can be done easily after reading and fallowing instructions on our documents and reports.
we source and arrange expert guidance for practical training at spot and plant set-up expert guidance also, to heavy duty units , which are not possible with out practical training, though our reports provide very much helping hand for making business start-up decision , idea generation and business set-up plan making well before actual steps are taken.
our technology transfer stuff like formulation ebooks, technical know-how ereports, product formulation edocuments and pre-feasibility project reports are in e-book shape, which are easily downloaded online instantly from our various organisation websites.we send technology transfer stuff like formulation ebooks, technical know-how ereports, product formulation edocuments and pre-feasibility project reports print outs or in cd form on request to address mentioned by client on additional cost also.
jaytee industrial research and consultants(india) has a quality analysis research laboratory at industrial estate rangreth srinagar jammu and kashmir india , where we work for more up-gradation of our knowledge and skill by quality control, inspection and testing of materials so that we can provide innovative formulations and update the same to our clients.
we have several technology portals with highest class security for online instant delivery of our technology transfer stuff like formulation ebooks, technical know-how ereports, product formulation edocuments and pre-feasibility project reports like www.how2make.in , www.howtomakeproduct.com , www.projectreportsonline.in
our products and services
jaytee industrial research and consultants provides small scale manufacturing technology transfer through fallowing digitally downloadable/through email receivable types of written stuff:
a) formulation document files
( formulation document files are meant for existing manufacturers who know nature of materials, who need formula and manufacturing process hints
b) technical know-how reports
(technical know-how reports are meant for common man or new entrepreneurs who need thorough knowledge about each raw material in detail with
pics and reference addresses of suppliers ,step after step manufacturing process with do`s and do not`s ,pictures of machines etc .
C) formulation e-books
( formulations e-books are meant for new and existing manufacturers to start /compare formulas, raw materials, process,to find and upgarde
knowledge and skill)
d) feasibility industrial project reports
e) business start-up/business success ebooks
business start-up/business success ebooks are for new people who need to know procedure for registering of new venture and other aspects.
F) manufacturing franchise
h) sample inspection :you can send your desired product sample
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