Founded in 1989, Jamison Masonry Restoration was established with a business philosophy of quality workmanship, safe labor practices, sterling customer service, and a streamlined, productive workflow. We are proud to use our experience to give your commercial, industrial, institutional, religious, multi-unit residential or historic project the care, consideration and attention that it deserves.
Jamison's focus is not only on your bottom line, it encompasses a far greater scope, including safety adherence for both our staff and yours, sensitivity to building aesthetics and history, and a methodology that combines both time-tested and emerging techniques. At Jamison, every job gets done -- comprehensively, safely, on time and within budget. You can trust Jamison to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Services Include:
Brick Pointing & Replacement
Stone Pointing & Replacement
Caulking / Sealants
Concrete Repairs
Clear & Colored Coatings | Concrete & Masonry
Exterior Masonry Cleaning & Restoration
Masonry Stabilization & Rebuilding
Flashing Replacement
Balcony & Walkway Repairs
Pedestrian Coating Systems
Parking Deck, Garage Rehabilitation & Restoration
Traffic Bearing Coatings
Rebar & Concrete Spall Repairs
Stucco Systems
Concrete Flatwork & Repair
Epoxy & Cementitious Repairs
Plaza Deck Restoration
Below Grade Damp-Proofing
Injection Repair Systems
Graffiti Removal & Protection
Historical Masonry Restoration
Construction, Parking Garage Restoration Services, Aquifer Restoration Services, Restoration Services, Services, Building & Design, Building Equipment & Supplies, Foundations & Masonry
HQ Location
150 Roesch Ave., Suite A
Oreland, PA 19075, US
MasonryStuccoBrickStoneCementitiousEpoxyHistorical RestoratioPointingCaulkingCoating