The Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute plays a key role within Cornell Tech. The Jacobs Institute pushes the emerging frontier of the digital age, beyond conventional academic degrees and programs. The Institute is the global catalyst of Cornell Tech’s spirit and mission.
The Institute is organized into interdisciplinary hubs selected for their relevance to the New York City economy. In the MS in Connective Media program students study the technologies, platforms and ecosystems that are involved in the recent convergence of communication, information and media.
In the MS in Health Tech program, students learn to create technologies that address critical health challenges for all of society.
In addition, the Institute sponsors the Runway Startup Postdoc Program is part business school, part research institution, and part startup incubator. Startup Postdocs apply their PhD research to start companies in New York City. The Institute provides funding, space and mentoring from Day 1.
The Joan and Irwin Jacobs Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute was established in 2013 through an historic gift of $133 million from Dr. Irwin Mark Jacobs, Founding Chairman and CEO Emeritus of Qualcomm, and his wife Joan Klein Jacobs to Cornell University and the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. The Institute embodies the academic partnership between the Technion and Cornell on the Cornell Tech campus.
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