JENSENplus presents a wide range of innovative yet classic furniture for office and lounge - from height-adjustable workdesks, storage, bench, barstools, meeting tables etc. to learning furniture - all designed by the famous danish architects shl design and Friis & Moltke Design.
Classic designs with a strong attitude, where only the best materials and craftmanship are used to create sustainable and long lasting products - for both users and environment.
The electrical height-adjustable workdesk K2 Table, is patented in Norway and Denmark.
The history of the family owned JENSENplus goes back to 1970's, and today sales and distribution are international, and in close relationship with selected dealers around Europe.
Please see our webpage - - for a closer look on products, where to buy and profile.
Contact information:
Ryesgade 8
DK-8000 Aarhus C
T: +45 8711 4010